This is my first blog entry, so bear with me. I have decided to talk about my love for photography. I have never taken any courses in this field but I would love to! If I win the 35 million dollars tomorrow night, I'll quit nursing, take some photography courses and travel the world and photograph to my hearts content. I can spend hours at a time just taking pictures. Sometimes I take numerous photos of the same subject, until I am satisfied that its the right angle, lighting, focus, compositon, and that it is original and fresh. I find that where ever I go I am constantly looking at the world as if i'm going to take a picture. I like to try to capture my feelings of the subject matter with a picture. So everything is a possible subject, animate and inanimate. When I am taking pictures, I am in my own world. I don't even notice other people around me, and I don't even care that they may be standing right next to me. I get so engrossed with the composition of a photo, I block out the rest of society. Is this weird? Or is it normal for something you are passionate about?

These are 2 of my favorite recent photos!